Tuesday, July 13, 2004, a new gonna miss ma old one...-cries-..BUT WHO REALLY CARES?!?!?!? k i must relax....breath in...and out...okay...u can always go c ma old 1 but beware the language...not ment fo lil'll scares thems all...BEWARE!!!
anyway...yesterday it was announced that a girl in 1J died...she had a very bad fever n then on the way ta da hospital she died...they didint say that she died on her way ta da hospital..i found it out..did that sound junior who was in her class told me that they gave her a mayb there was an ovadose in the medication n since her body was already so weak they body could really take in the medication n so she died...i sound so scientific..-takes up readin glasses- n so we cant really conclude that she died of a fever but the lord has his ways...that was fun...lemme try hippie...-goes all hippy wit da headband- man..we need ta like breath in nature man...incantation man...peace n serinity must not b disturbbed...duuude....k im gonna stop here...gonna go exparimentae wit da functions...cya arnd..peace out...oh yeah i fogot....DRACO'S NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!

6:40 PM