Friday, December 30, 2005,
vote or run away....(who's prettier?)
indie's pretty boy or rock's glam king:molko or valo
[so far molko:2 valo:1]
k er this is the turkey trip entry..thoses who dun wanna read this can oggle at the ville pics below.[suffering frm an overload of HIM videos,espescially the ones with ville shakin his ass]
k er...yes turkey trip. boring as hell wen we arrived. tour started the moment we touched down frm a 13 hr flight. thank god they took us to visit 2 mosques [blue mosque n ayasophia] b4 havin lunch n a 2 hr rest b4 dinner.also came to the conclusion that turkish women n girls look very masculine n that turkish teens r rather friendly.
day2: took a domestic flight to ankara[turkey's capital] n visited 2 museums. there were teens at the anapolian museum n they obviously havent seen chinese ppl b4. felt kinda weird to haf like 23 pairs of eyes starin at ur every move.da 2nd museum turned out to b the tomb of the founder of turkey.they had these guards all arnd n some were standin in these plastic boxes that look like incubators. sis was like ' if anything happened, r u sure they can make it out in time?'. took pictures b4 gg to cappadocia which was a 4hr drive. oh yeah..ankara had no scenery so there goes the idea of killing time on the bus by lookin out the window. it was juz...sand...brown fields...road..random car...truk...sand....random house...field....tree...dead tree...sand...truck...rainbow...rainbow?!?!? yea saw 4 that day. everyone went down the bus to see it...4hrs n many toilet stops later we arrived at our hotel but was greeted by a blast of icy winter breeze. everyone went for dinner shivering. nobody could stop shivering.
day3: looked out the window that morn n found that it had snowed the night b4.went down n took pics with the nice nice snow..wheee. set off afta breakfast to the underground city where the early chirstians use to hide from the romans. fini the tour n had smemore free time so we took advantage of the snow covered field juz outside the entrance of the city. everyone was havin snowball fights. even the others frm the chan bros grp.hit ma dad on his head by accident but he laffed it off.went to a carpet factory where mum managed to get a carpet fo USD$1.500 frm USD$3500. then went to a pottery factory where we got a cow bell then went back to the hotel.
day4: went to sme poet's grave then saw more rainbows n sme other rubbish scenery then i cant rmb wad happened.
k then we visited other rubbish places n im lazy to type them all out so i shall not cuz the laziness bug told me to.
3:17 PM
Sunday, December 25, 2005,
happy merry christmas dudes!!! bwahahaha....kinda depressed its christmas..wont tell u y but yeah.. dad juz said go sleep early like now..wad a wet blanket...even on the turkey trip too... anw...will blog bout the trip tmr or sme other day.i love sparkling juice n ville n rard n bam n jyril(sp?) n person u should not noe.bwahahahaha. christmas is a time for sharing GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!!!!! [juz got a $30 HMV voucher frm ma aunt..woot!! cds!!]
all i want for christmas:

[ville pics coming soon cuz blogger doesnt allow me to load them..humph]
12:06 AM