Saturday, October 25, 2008,
okay so i must say this week breeeezed by rather fast..
good but not good cuz that means projects are going to be due
gg for the peranakan play later..kinda forgot what its about but there'll be alot of nonyas in kebayas and i dont have one..pouts.. :((((..fucking ex la one kebaya...148 eh! wont pay!!
but yeah been chores-ing and revising..gotta get my GPA up man...will update another time...wheeeeeeeeeeee
[a newly converted fan of sandra nasic]
6:11 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008,
im suppose to do my work but i havent been able to cuz..i just havent
alotta shit on my mind but i cant get it out. i wanna tell someone but there seems to be no one i can turn to. sad as this sounds:
gabe is not in the picture of my life.
it seems to be just me.
even though I KNOW there are people i can turn to. my close buddies that will never let me down but...each has his/her own group of peeps. i seem to be the only one that is alone in tuts and practs and breaks. i dunno whats happening.
like a feather floating in time and space. slowly drifting to the ground.
like sand shifting and falling through fingertips of glass
i feel lost and so alone.
maybe there's something seriously wrong with me.
seriously wrong.
like bi-polar or something like that. i dunno.. i hate the things now.
its raining. again. more fun love and joy.
i should be doing my work. i really should be. gastric lavage. pharmaco. feel stupid-er in lectures.
i tell u i love you but the response it a rude awakening. so what can i do?
'i dont mind.i dont long as you're here..'
5:57 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008,
alright so..its sunday..
tmr the new week begins..the 8am routine. gah. slept till 12 today and that is a record mind u.
looking for a long sleeve top to go with my corset. i just realized that halloween is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so near and ive yet to prep the candy bags and my outfit. so screwed. so this week its off to city link mall to get the shirt i wanted to get. either that or this fashion. so screwed.
me tired. i dont wanna go to school. too complex. 8am classes only make it worse. me no likey being yr 2. i have to get my GPA up man. im aiming at a 3.5. yes so that by some miraculous divine intervention i can get a 3 or 2.9.
oh oh OHHHHH!!!!
i am a happy kid. yet to watch it though cuz sis using the lappie and this com is cocked up. every time i load the cd in the whole thing just so pfth..restart. so to entertain myself im watching airborne's vids over and over again.
god i love a man with long hair. give em a musical instrument and bring on the hard rock honey.
'I CANT GET ENOUGH OF THAT DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH!!I CANT GET ENOUGH OF YOUR DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH!!'k diamond in the rough is a highly sexual song [if u are bored enough u can go look the lyrics up]so what?!? its an anthem in my head! went to bed singing it and woke up headbanging to it.
AC/DC's new song rock and roll train from their soon-to-be-in-stalls album BLACK ICE!! exudes pure glorious rock and roll. so filled with testosterone and rrrrrrock. its like an ejaculation from the gods of rock!!!
k a little high ah.. had corn beef for lunch, a childhood treat only rekindled 14 yrs after.

cool eh? ahah
2:04 PM