Saturday, July 23, 2005,
fianlly updatin my blog afta such a long time
ysty had racial harmony..jas won 3rd place fo the sec 3s most elegantly dressed competition...i wore my peranakan costume again.... -listenin to larc en ciel's new world- and trace went in a myanmar(sp?) outfit borrowed frm lam dim...but she looked damn nice k..everyone said i looked too old so ive decided to wear a sari nxt yr...yes..mad but true..i wanna win i sound so bimbo nw...
entire thing ended arnd 9.15 n i have this major blister frm wearin the kasok manik a.k.a peranakan beaded slippers and had to walk hme..i met jas's best fren,elizabeth,n we took the bus with navi to tbp b4 gg was fun but tirin ystdy.....lalalalala.....lalalala....
we performed but everyone knew that we were usin a recording cuz we couldnt really follow the choice...we had to use it cuz we had a lack fo ppl cuz OUR STUPID SENIOURS WERE LAZY N DIDNT WANNA HELP US SING...-pouts- so mean.....
went to st berns fo mass today....was hopin nt to see anyone but i juz had to see one of THEM n the best part was i was in my stupid pink skirt n black racer...n i wasnt wearin my jacket....damn mass was a terrible thing today... well me has changed the blog skin juz fo nw....this skin was made by esther my gd fren...i asked her to make me an 'electric guitar skin'...coolness rite??? i thought so too....
here's pic of me n ma frens durin the racial harmony day celebrations...try n spot me....-lol like THAT will b difficult-

oh yeah i was playin wit the new wax i bought....n i had to use alot of it to make it turn out like this...

so i applied sme eyeliner n i look like sme cross between brody n ryohei...mayb nt but rite? butit wasnt so cool cuz wen i rinsed my hair...the water was all chalky white...i was like 'whoooooooooaaaaaaaaaooooooo.....'....oh well...cya arnd peeps
10:56 PM