Wednesday, May 21, 2008,


so fun la!! i love the keyboard here.makes me typey like a sounds like it so thats why its so fun!!

got lab at 1..2 hour break from 11 till then..with joey in the com lab

she wanted to look up on TB but she's looking up on her friend's facebook accounts. one more thing to add to the ABC log for behaviour mod.

today..not so good day..the inital to LTH and lets just say.
my mood plummeted to the just sucked man. thanks lenny for cheering me up and thanks joey for never failing to put a smile on my face with your thousand and one funny ass stories.

have this major body ache. MAJOR!! squatting down to open my locker took me half a min. it was tormentuous!! back, sides, butt,inguinal and legs all hurt. except the calves. surprise surprise ahaha. my left leg's hurting the most which is weird cuz normally my right one's the affected one. and to think ive gotta go through that again next tues. IM GOING TO KILL MYSELF WHILE RUNNING!!!! GEK SWEE!!!! RAAAAAAAWR!!!! stupidweightlossscheme!!! DAMMIT!!

the bodyache i must say is kinda fun though. its a joke on its own. i get to laugh at myself and expense. fun!! f is for friends who do stuff together, u is for you and me. n is for anything under the sun down here in the deep blue sea!!! ahaha bebe used to sing it all the time when she was bored in STC..i miss u guys!!!!

saw this guy eating his lollipop so i decided to open mine too!!! wheeeeee

alright will blog another day. managed to open youtube so lets see if the vids far..its not so yeah. bye bye nice nice keyboard..hmmm lollipop tastes like that vitamin C efferversence tablet in blackcurrant flavor..I NEED TO BRUSH UP ON MY ENGLISH!!!

12:28 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008,

alright so this is the madness that happened today

gek a.k.a drill sergent from hell mad me run then circumfernce of the whole school with her today when i told her 'dude, i cant do the whole school, i can do max 3 rounds off the track, my stamina sucks!!'

BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO she forced me to get my sorry ass running round the school carparks.

she tried


i was walking by a little pass midpoint, calves were DYING!!! it was like...lactic acid shock!! it was so painful!!! even though i did the cool down shit i did in sec school man did it hurt...still so sore now..not to mention sleepy too much.

but thanks gek for pushing me..though i was literally draggin my sorry lil sad ass all the way back to SHS...

hitting the showers was heavenly!!! so cool....i didnt flinch when the water hit me..welcomed it ever so wonderfully!! but still bathed when i came frickin hot on the way home

need rest

gonna wear my $100 skirt which i got for $28

nice eh ahhaha...

who do i go out with tmr after school? watching tone at SAC tmr night

gah..who do i ask

10:03 PM