Wednesday, August 04, 2004,

Once far away, through a dimension adjacent the day,
transcending azure surrounds.
One more try to hypnotize, a true life suspension.
But to always remain in league with Poseidon.
Another chance to undermine as the dead rose decides to come alive.
We'll see how low birds can fly, still it's yellow derriere the crystal eye.
Come sign away, you can leave your worries behind.
But like the winds we'll pass you by, fill your days with blandness.
And now has ome the time to defame and ill divine.
The how determines the newer regime and who's the Constantine.
LeCirque En Rose.
So crowned we stroll through lie, never quit, rain or shine.
Never question what's inside, till the last beat...end of time,
So go fly away to that special place.

-Le Cirque en Rose by deadsy-

the best song so bored nw...'CRUELLA'( by deadsy) is takin a log time ta load...sis hates them ta da core...they r so nice..dude...listenin ta josh groban day n night, singin in the toilet everytime and even wen ur watchin tv aint good man...its so....ech...or how u ppl (in CJC) sya it....zang...did i spell it rite..i think so.... :)....k nvm....CA nxt week..juz afta da national day holiday....i hafent even touched ma stuff a pug goin ta da sound weird....very weird....bored...i seriously need ta change ma blog skin n add music....DEADSY!!!!!! WHOOOOOHOOO!!!!!! GO DEADSY!!!!!! ELIJAH BLUE IS SOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!! cant believe he acctually dated nicole richey-ass...anyway....btw...ELIJAH BLUE IS NOT ELIJAH WOOD I DIDNT SPELL IT WRONGLY...ELIJAH BLUE IS CHER'S SON N HE'S DEADSY'S LEAD SINGER....ELIJAH BLUE a.k.a P.EXTER BLUE I....-swoon-

7:07 PM