Saturday, September 20, 2008,

have i mentioned that russell brand is hot?
fucking hot..

and he's a gemini ahah...


yes this is the russell brand obsessed post ahaha

i would put up pics but the com is lagging ever so nicely so yes go type russell brand in the yahoo image search bar..

me wuv!!

oh and polyclinic was broing cuz me couldnt do anything but yeah. imh attachies start in 2 days time. im scared ahah..cuz i dunno what to expect..k off to watch more russell brand..that fucking hot bastard ahah

9:15 PM

Monday, September 15, 2008,


this is the post-exams, post-hols, in-the-attachments blog post.

today is the 1st day of my outram park poly attachments and im with belle and amy and i met this funny ass girl cristal [no i spelt it right]. super fun talking to her while we were working together in the well women's clinic. but then again the poly attachments u cant really DO much..i couldnt even use the cim to help my SN in the DM eye screening room to do paper work

ah phoo..but nvm tmr cristal and i will be working together in the treatment room..meow.

and me got a very bad headache from like..morning till now..very bad so gonna knock off soon after im done watching my russell brand clips..have i mentioned he's fucking hot? HAWT!!

k off to sleep now..i know its early but yeah..head pain TAH-TAH!!

8:16 PM