Sunday, November 16, 2008,
today we celebrated mama's birthday
[mama is how we,the kwek family and all peranakan families, adress our grandmothers.]
it started with mass at BSC where i bumped into bebe and her 2 sisters and then off to makan at kia hiang restaurant, near bkt merah. we used to go there all the time to celebrate my kong kong's birthday when he was still around. man it hurts to type that down. but what needs to be said must be and we have to accept his passing. it rings fresh in my mind,all the birthdays and all the times we spent with him. his passing was sudden but must be taken as a lesson. a lesson to treasure the ones we hold dear and not take them for granted, saying: 'we've got time.' time is of essence.
but moving on.
we ate like ravenous beasts. not cuz the food was good, the standard had dropped through the years and the prices were enough to burn a hole in your pocket just looking at them, but beacuse we were famished and the company was special. cozy. warm. nothing extravagant, we had that last year for mama's 80th birthday celebration. her 81st was decided to be a small one. mama asked me while at mass 'what is your favourite colour ah?' i replied telling her it was red when really its a tie between black and the response i gave her but i know that saying black to an elderly true-blue chinese peranakan matriach was..well, equivalent to courting death. something i'd very much like to stay away from.
mama smiled and said,'same as me. you and i both like red. i like everything, top to toe, red.' i flashed a genuine smile. i like it when i talk to her. i feel like ive bridged an invisible yet strong connection, something i doubt the rest of my family has. but i would never know.
mama told me she was going to cook ayam buah keluak on her birthday, i think thats how ones spells it. blame it one my not so wholesome peranakan upbringing. she tells me its because auntie noni and auntie diana will be dropping by on that day. everyone loves her cooking. who wouldnt?
i told her i'd go down and pick it up from her after school, something i wanted to keep a surprise but couldnt help it. i want to bring lenny down and let her meet mama, im quite sure they will get along just fine. they both speak malay so i'll have question marks flying about and around my head. but thats not a worry at all. ahah.
so after lunch we all went back. we said goodbye and see you again to my aunt and her family and sent mama back home. then i waited to meet lenny. the plan was to head down to bugis but hehe i dont like the heat. i think everyone or majority of my friends know that.
so we headed down to suntec but before that i ran up, wore the shoes she bought for me from JB and placed the little wooden box she gave me on my bed. inside was a note. a beautifully written piece of art i hold dear to me.
we went out. took pictures. just had fun spending time with the ones we love. i had to rush back cuz my parents were upset with me and that kinda spoilt the entire evening but there's always the phone and tomorrow.
and now with all that said..its time for this extremely long post to be decorated with a splash of colour in the form of..PICTURES!!! this is the bottle lenny gave me and that what i wore today ahaha wheeee

the grand daughters

all the grandchildren


couple shoes!!

awww so cute

failed attempt to dodge the camera

the chest baby gave me

its us!!
8:16 PM