Saturday, March 17, 2007,
k so i was suppose to update on fri but decided to do so now..wad can i lazy..
so yeah went to stc on thurs with sis n melia n daniel BUT b4 all that i went to far east to get this pair of usper purty shoes with bea..we both wanted it but she let me take the last pair..
was super excited n decided to stupidly wear those massively high heels the whole day..rushed down frm far east to STC where i found ma sis n the twin towers..wasted our time away then jon joined us and then fio rushed in at the last minute..moments b4 their big performance without slimy norman thing [its a joyous event mind u]
the girls couldnt stop staring at daniel..why??? height..he's a skyscraper compared to ma sis n i n jon [ the shorter male since norman thing left]..they sang butterfly and then hide n seek..the sops had their jaws draggin on the floor when amelia hit the seemingly impossible uber ultrasound note..
she was happy...everyone was..
so from STC we went down to gwc for dinner n then to SBC for their pract..loadsa laughter coming frm fio..she's crazy so i like her ahaha..i'll show wad she n daniel did to the whiteboard..hilarious..
practice lasted frm 7.20?? to arnd 9.10..daniel n chris [the possible tenor of the grp] left early..jon,fio,melia,sis n i left arnd 9.45 to go to TOASTBOX!!!! my idea..harmlessly ordered milo dinosaur n went high..boy was it fun..and yong yong sold yuang yang to amelia..fio went high on banana cake so we were the nuts again of the grp
i think both the milo dinosaur and the lack of circulation mixed with truck loadsa of pain in my feet got me higher..fio n i tormented the 3 of them all the way home..but it was harm done..execpt its been 2 days already n my feet still hurt frm those pretty torture machines..
yesterday..sis n i went out with melia to shop n stuff then we met jon n tannie at tangs arnd 7.15...melia agrivated my already painful leg by making us brisk walk/run for our punny lives frm centerpoint to tangs..we were gg to esplanade to watch the free performances..mosaic festival la ahah meowth so yeah...dinnered at subway [EAT FRESH]..shared half a six-foot with tannie..went high on a medium diet coke n double choco chip coooookie [yum yum] and everyone got creeped out...
the night was eventful..melia n i had these sudden rushes of we were thrown to our lowest of the day..i juz wanted to sing my heart out but i couldnt cuz there was no appropriate song to sing..oh well
im so happy cuz this week ive grown so much closer to sissay farts n melia..wheeee
but its kinda sad to know that i cant hang out with them all the time..oh well
k so here's the art works

[part of butterfly
"love me,kiss me with
the breeze"]
[fio did it..amelia was here worXxXx
XOXO...fio pls dun kill me]
[in case u cant see it clearly daniel's doing:
All choirs,
pls tidy up the room.
Anything not kept in the elves will b discarded and the orcs will rule till the end of next week]
10:33 PM