Saturday, May 12, 2007,
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG x many many many many many times but im lazy to continue so i'll stop here but u get my drift..
I LIKE RAN INTO MY EYE CANDY YESTERDAY!!!! k well i ALMOST did but the fact is that i could have dont so if i hadent looked up and juz bump into him
yeah i know he looks like crap..thats the reason he's my lecture eyecandy..
CUZ HE'S SITTING AT ONE END OF THE LT AND IM AT THE OTHER..raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrr.....i blame rizal,sab,izyan and YANA!!!! for making me see him up close.talking to that girl...sob sob sob..[ yana..i blame for everything so yeah ahaha..she's used to it]
k yeah i acted like a total nut when i like jumped up and down sreaming yay n what not along that corridor infront of yana and sab and izyan when he was like walking out..k i thnk he'll like totally ignore me now..
sob sob..
but sab was juz dead sad...she didnt look up in time and missed her eyecandy then we had to run all over the library area and shoppin arcade area in search of him but nothing..sad sad sab...
ANGRY AH?!?!?!?!?!!ahaha
there's young possible kinda obvious love about to blossom [mayb it already has but we've been too dead busy to acctually spot the signs till now] aahahah..inside joke..XD right?? SANDY>>> ahaha
met gabe for awhile after meeting cuz i didnt wanna wait for like 4 hours and spend only 30 with him..left after that with belle,yana and sab..went to meet brenda and yup...she cut her hair again and and and I KNOW WHO HER MOST RECENT RECENT OF RECENT CRUSH IS!!!! AHAHA
was teasing her all the time..
we started at bugis then moved to city hall and then went off the great world when we found out the waterfront was under renovation [yeah i know we're slow..dont rub it in..we get it already]
there we failed to see the cute island creamery guy...i wanted black stockings which they didnt sell...brenda and i were both tired and i needed to be home by like 9 so we left home did more work for my ICA [in-course assesment] and then slept and had a meeting today
yup yup
tmr's mother's day so ive gotta go get the card for my mum making those paper roses..they were selling them at popular [one set= 7.50] and i gotta MAKE them aahaha
10:06 PM
Sunday, May 06, 2007,
yesterday..went out for mother's day lunch..brought my grandmama with us and went to this restaurant hat i totally forgot..its only when i go there then didi i rmb..and the times where my grandpa was still was greeeaaaattt~~~~
this is the super har gao [shrimp dumpling]
, the filling of the super hargao which is like 3 whole crunchy shrimps,the starting spread and the giant prawn

AND!!i finally got the green leprechaun hat i wanted!!! along witht the 'kiss me in irish' ribbon pin from spotlight..
so today met up with my grp members..we did the skit and stuff..really
fun stuff..
woke up at 11 today and i was suppose to meet them all at city hall to get to st berns at that time..had to rush down n stuff...bah..oh well
after our meetin was over which was around 5, followed them all to tiong n then met gabe..went to eat at the foodcourt and went to gwc and the stupid dodo sat us both at the back with the hot malay guy that was looking at me at the busstop..he was dead hot la!!! made me sit near him..pouts ahah
i know how much gabe loves juz sad that i cant repay him whatever he puts out..he pays for everything when we go out..he hold me tight when i juz so damn frustrated..i dunno what the hell's happening to me..i feel like im juz using him..
like today i wanted the espirit scarf that was on 1/2 price and he juz paid for it.. mean..i owe him loads for the hair dye already..
i dun wanna b a gold digger
juz hope skool can occupy my mind..and i hot my 2 eye candies will mayb bump into me..i juz hope
8:48 PM