Friday, June 17, 2005,
[ was thinkin of wakefield n their mtv juz came on mtv]
grace came over ystdy n we watched miyavi's concert...her hooked onto miyavi...AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! MIYAVI-SAMA!!!!
so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!! -hits self wit fan..'baka yaro!!! urusai!!'- k i'll shut up nw..i'm plannin to change my template..ive got super nice miyavi skins...AHH!!!! miyavi!!!...'urusai!!!'..[thats a note to myself..never to miyavi..he's too cute to scold]
sisi says i should spend the same amt of devotion to my studies as i do fo miyavi....woke up at 10.14 today...immediately i switched on the com n looked fo more of miyavi pics..i came hme late ystdy arnd 11.15 cuz we went to watch the SYC ensemble singers..[omg i love the NIN miyavi..]
well came hme last nite n bathed b4 stayin up till 12.30 to look fo miyavi pics....amelia n i were irritatin my sis with the constant pangs of boy crazyness..amelia was all 'JESSE MACARTNEY!!!' n i was 'MIYAVI-SAMA!!!!!'..i started it all..i juz had to tell smeone of my joy!!....MIYAVI!!!
must change template..will change afta this post..omg..miyavi-sama
12:38 PM

THE BEST TYPE OF MIYAVI FANWell, you know your Miyavi stuff, and you're
definitely a Miyavi fan, but you're not so
obsessed with him that you'd go to Japan just
to feed him sandwiches. Nor would you send him
obnoxious fangirl mail. You're the best kind of
Miyavi fan. Good job!
How Obsessed with Miyavi are you?brought to you by Quizilla
12:27 PM
Wednesday, June 15, 2005,
[current music of choice: c'mon baby by wakefield]
man i didnt noe aaron left good charlotte to join his BROTHER"S band which is now, his bro,ryan...doesnt look like him at all...coolness..(nt to mention cuteness too)...
the sentosa thing on wednesday..absolutely tireing....met grace at 7.45 at outrum mrt cuz...she was late n came arnd 8.05 then we went down to toa payoh to get the tickets fo the movie...went to the HDB board thing n there were so many kids wit their parents there..we got our tickets afta much waiting fo the stupid woman...went down to macs n ate our schedueled breakfast...i was kinda worried that we wont b able to go down to sentosa cuz it was rainin fo quite a long time alrdy..arnd 10.45 we went into the started at 11.05...sat n watched it till ardn 12.30...we lied n said we had to rush off but acctually grace wanted to go to the arcade....she played percussion freak fo awhil b4 we left to go to harbourfront to meet andre...then we all went down to sentosa..went to siloso beach n i had to teach them hw to skate...well they didnt fall. i did...while waitin fo them i lost balance n fell...
afta that we spent our time at the beach wit patricia n hui min,andre's frens cum ours,they were suntanning..we were playin in the sand..grace made this sand skull...i was tryin to b artistic n tried to do carvin but that the end i did do smething....i wrote mcr in the sand..thats good enuff i guess....then andre kept kickin sand at us..i tot y nt??...
SAND FIGHT!!....yeah...well...we got cleaned up afta much fun...waited fo pat n huimin to fini bathin...went down to gwc fo dinner..came hme n found out i had sand in my hair...weird but cool....i wanna do it again!!!
11:12 PM