Saturday, March 01, 2008,
alright so first week of attachments....
how is it?
im doing so so so so soooooooo much more than the prev one..its so cool..i like totally took out the iv plugs cool!!! the ward is HUGE!!!! coming from ward 4 where it was like..small..this is a C class male ward so yeah its huge..alot to do cuz most if not all cases from OT or ICU come 1's the busy one..team2's busy too but team 3 is super in team 3 so i make it a point to help mirah or gek or yiqi
the cast are more or less the same..gek,amirah,kelyn,yiqi,nway nway [this is the peeps in my shift] there are some more new peeps like li shen and henry and yu jie
some...some!! injured a pt and some are really blur [please dont assume it is you who ever reading this...if u do..its not my prob] and some just lick boots
AN aisha whom i worked with yesterday thought i was yr2..she exclaimed during break when mirah and i were talking about us being yr 1..well i guess its a compliment..right? cuz henry this yr 2 guy thought i was i look that old? does she exclaim cuz she was afriad i made a mistake while she was away bathing a pt with kelyn [she told me to lookafterbothcubicleschangebedsheetstakecareoftheIMHpatientandrecordI/O]? i mean the pt losing his wallet scare was kinda..hmmm a first but we all agree [in the silence of the duty room] that this was the pt's fault..cant disclose what it is la but nvm...
im looking forward to my 2nd week in the gonna push myself to do more and step out of my comfort zone.. I CANT WAIT!!
my feet hurt from the CONSTANT walking but its the price to pay for learning and helping my started hurting from tuesday and its been intensifying more and more as the days go by..yesterday was really bad to the point where i was forced to take baby steps at a snails HUUURRRRT!!! gabe and i were like so so so so tired and in so much pain that by the time we hit my place we were playing the one word per person to form a sentence game..i acctually slept at taka..i was soooooooooooo tired!! prev 2 days were just 2 hours of sleep each..torment!!!
thurday i went for melia's farewell party after shift..tons of fun!! kinda sad cuz she just left like 4 hours ago..sigh...oh well... she'll be back and there's alwasy one going is jon..then io mayb so then its gonna be just chris dan and my sis...
sigh ah well...
sleepy time now
10:39 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008,
im hooked onto french and the saunders
crazily hooked
like nicotine addicted hooked
like coke mixed mushrooms hooked
attachments commence in approzimately 9 1/2 wonderful
gah..think tmr morn i'll burst in with a british accent going 'top of the morn'in to ya' and like tip my imaginary top hat..gah F&S's teenage clip is too darn funny
hmmm i want 6-8 inch heels..ive mastered my 4 inch ones already
so i think im ready to go on the greater heights..get it? height? ahaha k nvm
need to pee...or shit
need to pack my bag for tmr [i dont like AH]
k gonna go now..cya
10:23 PM