Saturday, December 18, 2004,

well...yesterday was ma sis's performance..n i invited ma antioch ppl..managed to grow closer to them..well..mum n dad were there n obviously mum has a thing bout me hangin out wit boys..lemme explain..acctually i asked randall(a participent in antioch camp) to come along wit me n esther but he invited Jeremiah,Jeanne n Matthew..i didnt mind at all..but ma rents haf sme probs

u see..the main few reasons y they dun like me hangin out wit them are;

1. im too young to b out late..this was ma dad's weird rule sayin that im too young to b out late cuz i JUZ 14! i go to concerts n get hme at 11.30-45 but nobody cared..that was good cuz i love evening walks..nowadays he has been askin me ta get hme at the most impossoble timings..crazy

2.this grp of frens r of bad influencce..i know wads bad..ppl like hannah n anna chen now thats bad..i knoe y...but im gonna talk bout that in the nxt point..they're scared that im gonna end up like jerry n randal...well i AM gonna b a punk ass kid u wad they say..once a punk,always a punk

3.they dun like jerry n randall..y? cuz jerry has "weird spikey hair" , "is someone of bad influence" and has a "horrible sense of style"..randall "looks like an AH-BENG" and looks too "hiao..(wild)"..jerry does nt haf weird hair..he looks nice and tell me hw many ppl can pull of that do?!? he is nt of bad influence..he's the one whom i can talk to wen i haf problems..sheesh..n i like the same kinda stuff he does..wonder hw ma rensts r gonna take it wen i tell them that..randall is nt an ah beng..if he was..i'll b an ah lian..he's too normal to b one and he's a hiao cuz he's noes hw to partay!!! is that such a crime???

i guess thats it..yes..well..wad CAN i do? nothin....jerry juz msged me ta thank me fo the wb i gave him..double spiked wristband...extremely dangerous..very pokey..hurts wen it comes into contact wit ur flesh..but he liked it n thats good...HOPE ALL OF U LIKE MA PRESSIES!!!!

merry christmas ppl...

11:11 PM