Tuesday, October 27, 2009,

another super late update. nothing new from yours truly.
maybe u should remove the tag box thing. no one uses it anyway.

alright so when i left u, i was about to begin my 1 month gerontology attachments.
now im done with attachments and awaiting my PRCP posting. god. not looking forward to it.
anyway. singapore's so fricking small that i met lenny's friend/NYP senior who just happens to be my SN! [hello mahira, im talking about you dodo bird] ahahah it was funny.

on the last day of work i gave all the nice staff kinder bueno surprise eggs and when i gave mai one i told her that i found her familiar cuz ive seen her from fridae. and we both were like 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!' with the constant head nodding. funny as hell. then she said 'i wanted to ask you but felt it was weird cuz the moment i saw u walk into the ward i knew u were queer.' funny thing is i wanted to do the exact same thing but yeah. okay thats good. atleast my face isnt so straight looking-ish.

i told len about mahira the night before so she came down on my last day to pick me up from work and to catch up with mahira. funny man. darn small world. lenny's on attachments now.she aint happy but its my turn to relax,she had hers so bah!

gek and i are cracking our brains out...where the hell do we go and what the hell are we gonna do for halloween this year? i got my corset but no venue. great. might not even celebrate frickin halloween this year at this rate.

i think its just me, but staying at home makes me darn sleepy...i feel like a pig. sleeping till 11am, waking up, watching tv, using the net and then sleeping later at 11pm...
total opposite from how life is on attachments. DREADING PRCP BY THE WAY. hate it.

4:03 PM